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Make a donation

We need to raise over £3 million each year to care for local terminally ill children at the hospice and at home.



£10 could help pay for respite care to give families a break.

Nathan baking


£20 could help pay for a bereavement counselling session.



£30 could pay for a 2 hour play session to help a child learn new skills

Leave a gift in your will

Did you know 1 in 3 of the children we support is funded by gifts in Wills? By leaving a gift in your Will to Helen & Douglas House, you’ll be ensuring our vital work can continue.

Play the Local Hospice Lottery

For just £1 a week you can be in with the chance of winning some fantastic cash prizes while making a real difference to the care we can offer in your community.

Give in Memory

Continue the story of your loved ones by coming together, sharing memories and raising vital funds for local children and their families.

Celebrate the

life of your loved one

Our beautiful, handcrafted butterflies are the perfect way to remember and celebrate the life of a loved one. It will be a keepsake you treasure forever.

face to face fundraising
Hand putting red paper heart into box

Face to Face Fundraising

Face-to-face fundraising is an opportunity for our fundraisers to spread the message of the work we do, and for our supporters to ask any questions they have about the charity.

We need to raise over £3 million each year to care for local terminally ill children at the hospice and at home.

Last year, we provided 2,838 hours of community and family support care

We offer 24 hour care, seven days a week

As a charity, over 80% of our funding comes from people like you.
